Disposable isolation gowns are protective equipment for medical staff to avoid contamination by blood, body fluids and other infectious substances, and also to protect patients from infection. So when do we need to wear isolation gowns?
1. When entering a strict isolation ward;
2. Special isolation of patients is required for examination and nursing, and work clothes may be contaminated by secretions, excrement, blood, or body fluids (such as when entering a hepatitis ward);
3. Enter the wards of patients with infectious diseases easily spread in the hospital and patients who need special isolation (such as extensive burns, organ transplantation and premature babies).
Pay attention when wearing surgical isolation gowns: the length of the isolation gown should be appropriate, and the work clothes must be completely covered, and cannot be used if there are holes. Keep the isolation gown above the shoulders and the inner surface clean, and replace it every 24 hours. If it is wet or contaminated, it should be replaced immediately. After wearing isolation gowns, activities are restricted to the specified area. People who come into contact with different diseases should disinfect their hands and change isolation gowns.
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