Hands, wrists, arms, elbows and shoulders are essential to almost every activity of daily life. When injuries or diseases of bones, nerves, joints and muscles threaten their functions, the overall quality of life will also be threatened. Injuries to the hands, wrists, elbows, and shoulders are common and can cause pain, loss of sensation, loss of movement, and impairment of function. Overuse injuries such as rotator cuff injuries, tennis elbow (epicondylitis) and golf elbow (epicondylitis or flexor tendon injury), tendinitis and carpal tunnel syndrome are the most common causes of pain. Joints in the hands, wrists, elbows and shoulders can also be affected by normal wear, which can lead to arthritis.
Upper extremity surgery refers to the surgical techniques of upper limbs such as hand, wrist, elbow, shoulder, etc. Some common operations are included, such as:Fracture operation, total shoulder replacement, reverse shoulder replacement, shoulder arthroscopy, rotator cuff repair, tennis elbow and golf elbow operation, elbow arthroscopy, carpal tunnel release, carpal arthroscopy, carpal joint replacement, carpal fusion.
Hefei C&P non-woven products Co., Ltd. produces disposable non-woven medical products, including disposable upper extremity pack and surgical drapes, to provide a safe and sterile environment for your operation and ensure the successful completion of your operation!
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