In any surgical procedure, creating a sterile surgical field with access to the operative field is critical. This is achieved through correct skin prepping and draping of the patient, which is typically covered with surgical drapes.
The use of sterile surgical drapes in a sterile field has the following purposes:
1. The surgical drape isolates the surgical site from the rest of the patient's body and non-sterile areas of the operating table to reduce the risk of surgical site infection.
2. The surgical drape protects the patient from their own skin flora (endogenous source of contamination), members of the surgical team and the environment (exogenous source of contamination).
3. The surgical drape material is impervious and fluid-resistant to prevent strike-through contamination from microorganisms.
4. The impervious barrier of the surgical drape, especially around the fenestration, helps provide additional protection when isolating the surgical site and increases resistance to strike-through contamination.
5. The lint-free surgical drape minimizes airborne contamination and the spread of particles into the surgical wound.
6. The patient drape not only helps protect the surgical site, but also expands the sterile field, allowing the surgical staff to place sterile instruments and supplies on the drape, such as creating a neutral zone for passing sharps.
The surgical drape forms a barrier between the surgical field and possible sources of microorganisms. Microbial migration and contamination from non-sterile to sterile areas can be minimized by isolating the incision site and creating sterile fields with the use of sterile surgical drapes. We offer a selection of sterile surgical drapes for various surgical types, so you can choose according to your needs.
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