The purpose of draping a surgical patient is to isolate the surgical site from other areas of the surgical site to help reduce the risk of surgical site infection. The order of draping the four corner surgical drapes sterile is as follows:
1. Grasp the two corners of the drape and let it fall in front of you. Don't let it touch your body (unless you're wearing a sterile gown, which is fine) or anything else.
2. Fold the top of the surgical drape over onto the side away from the body. This create a neat edge.
3. Place your thumbs on the side of the drape closest to your body and wrap the drape around each hand. This prevents your hands from accidentally coming into contact with non-sterile areas of the patient.
4. Always cover the side of the patient closest to your body first as this protects the gown from non-sterile tables.
5. The surgical drape should move ("float") over the patient's body with the folded edges positioned at an appropriate distance from the intended incision line. Do not drag drapes over non-sterile areas of the patient's body. Once the drape is placed on the patient, only minimal adjustments are required. If the drape needs to be adjusted, move it only away from the sterile surgical field, never toward the sterile field.
6. Repeat the process (steps 1-5) with the second drape - place it at right angles (90 degrees) to the first drape.
7. Use a towel clip to secure the surgical drape to the patient. The towel clip should be placed at the intersection of the two surgical drapes. In living patients, remember that this is the first painful stimulus, so it is wise to inform the anesthetist that you are about to attach the clip.
8. Tuck the towel clip under the upper drape. This will keep it out of the way (and prevent the suture material from getting caught in the clamps).
9. Repeat the process with the third drape - place it at right angles to the first drape, on the opposite end of the sterile field from the second drape.
10. Use towel clips to secure the drapes to the patient (this prevents the drapes from moving or shifting).
11. When placing the final drape, either go to the other side of the table and place the drape, or sweep the drape over to the far side. Be careful not to contaminate the drapes through contact with accessories, team members, etc.
12. After draping is completed, a surgical site of appropriate size will appear, surrounded by sterile surgical drapes secured with towel clips (all neatly tucked away).
1. Remember the order in which you place the drapes: start from the near side (closest to your body), then place the drapes at both ends, and finally at the far side.
2. If the surgical drape needs to be adjusted, you can only stay away from the sterile area and do not approach or cross the sterile area.
3. When placing the clip, grab enough skin, but not too much - please pay attention to the patient.
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